Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Twisted Peppermint

It's getting close to bedtime, but I thought I would post something quickly about my PAINFUL experience last night. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a Bath & Body Works FREAK! I love the shower gels, the bubble bath, the wallflowers, the soaps, the buy 2-get-1-free's, the facial care.....everything! I especially love the "limited edition" scents......namely, the holiday scents! So I purchased all things Twisted Peppermint (the shower gel, the hand lotion, the bath parfait).....LOVED the lotion....and then tried the shower gel. In a word......OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! The burning/tingling feeling didn't go away until the next morning! It sure will wake you up......but then your whole body will be on fire!!!! Oh, and you know that tingly mint sensation that makes anything you come into contact with EXTRA cold after you've felt something minty (mouthwash, a peppermint, anything)? BRRRRR!!!!!

Had a GREAT pilates class tonight! I love this little Pilates studio -- West Annapolis Pilates -- all three teachers are great, and I come away feeling like I've gotten a great workout (i.e. -- MAJOR soreness!). In January I'll be doing the same Saturday morning Pilates class with the "neighborhood girls", but I'm also adding this Wednesday night class (and blocking off my session times to allow for it)! I'm loving this whole exercise schedule -- walking Monday through Friday mornings at 6:30am with Ericka (my downstairs neighbor), then Pilates once a week (soon to be twice a week). The greatest thing is that I don't notice what I'm doing to exercise -- it's such a natural part of my life at this point.....and it's been going on for a little over a month!

So I have to give everyone a little look at my husband.....old school style. These pics are ones that an old girlfriend of his posted on facebook......from his blue or bleached-hair, spiked dog collar-wearing punk days. PRICELESS!!! He thought he was the hotest thing ever.......I prefer the current Julian!!

On another note, I will probably be changing this blog address after I find the perfect layout. I think I want to save this "therablog" title for a blog that would actually be more therapeutic in nature..... NOT for this one, where the goal is to not be "therapist-y."

Stay tuned.....


TexasNeals said...

so glad you are going to be blogging!!! i love hearing you think. :)
great pictures of your hubby....hilarious!!! : honestly....what were any of us thinking back then?!?!

Meredith H. H. said...

Thanks, Stace! I scares me to look at pics from high school....even college. I think I've just recently figured out a hairstyle I like (with a little highlighting to lighten things up!).